Welcome to Mary Lou's Sitting Room

Hello! You are entering the world of Mary Lou...hope you have fun here! I created this blog to be a place of refuge in the storm, inspiration in the fog, light in the darkness, and hope for your life. I love to encourage people and have fun-I hope you will find this true as you visit me here. I plan on writing about all types of subjects, because I am interested in all the good things God has made, so hang on for the ride~! I love to sew and also cook...hence the name..

Friday, October 9, 2015

Quality of Life-who decides?

The elderly. Those in comas. Those with dementia & Alzheimer's. Society wants to end their lives early because they think there's no reason for them to be here. No quality of life....don't get me wrong - I don't want to be hooked up to a breathing machine or be kept alive when brain-dead, but here's what I believe the Lord has shown me:

1) There's a LOT more going on that we can see. A person is more than a body. We are a spirit-being and God is preparing us each and everyday of our lives for eternity. We simply have no idea of what He is communicating to our spirits when we can't communicate with people...but God can get through! So why does mankind think they know best when to end someone's life? We dare not!
2) God is also preparing us as we care for our elderly family & friends. We are being taken out of ourselves to care for those that cared for us. It's VERY uncomfortable and draining and agonizing, but it's what they did for us and now it's our turn. He's using it for our good & growth. Once again - don't get me wrong - we all need to get help when we are care-givers or we will get sick & depressed. When we were young parents we got help from babysitters, neighbors, etc. But we still cannot end their lives early because we think there's no reason for them to still be here.  How can we be so presumptuous as to assume we know that a person's life has no more meaning! 

We did not create these people and we have no right to decide when it's time to end their lives.

Don't forget to take time to visit the elderly folks in your life - or even those you don't know at your local nursing home or assisted living center.  They need to feel needed and loved. They have amazing stories that we can all learn from!  Trust me, you will be the one that feels blessed and fulfilled at the end of the day...as you give your time & attention, they will bless you in ways you never imagined.

These are my parents and they have passed on to a better place. What a blessing it was to have them in my life! They were good, hard-working people who loved their Lord and Savior and served him to the very last breath.  I thank God for them and pray I will leave a legacy as rich as theirs.