My question to you today is "What does worship mean to you?"
Romans 12:1 says "Therefore I urge you, brothers and sister, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God -
this is your true and proper worship."
It can also be when a child is consecrated to God through baptism or dedication.
For me, much of the time it is my love for God expressed in song...
I once wrote a song about are the words:
"The One We Worship"
"How do you worship Someone who -
Spoke into existence the sky so vast and blue....He filled mighty oceans that break upon and shape the sand, Yet takes and molds my life with the gentle stroke of his hand. How do you worship Someone who paints each fragile flow'r its own design and hue?
He carved heart-stopping mountains that rise and stand so tall; Yet lovingly reaches down to lift me when I fall.
He's worthy of everything I can do - asking
only devotion from a heart made new.
O Father, I love you, I worship you; You've ransomed my life - my heart belongs to You."
Yes, He's worthy of everything I could possibly do for Him - yet He asks for me - just me....ALL of heart, my love....and I give it gladly, because therein is my joy, my pleasure, true fulfillment.